Friday, January 14, 2011


(left to right) Ra Ra, Rai, Kels, and Nakia. These four are the essence of everything our community should represent from Style to Education to Class to well... just having no sense!! LOL. They know how to have a good time and not only do they play hard they work even HARDER. This Blog is for all of the fans and loyal supporters that want to keep up with the girls and their movements. In this blog you will find schedules of their upcoming events, as well as everyday inspirational notes and quotes. Feel free to browse around as we will be updating daily with new pics, events, and interesting facts about these four ladies. On behalf of the cast of The Black L we appreciate all of your support and encouragement as this movement becomes more of a REALITY!! Later within the month look forward to some interesting clips from The Black L along with their FIRST exclusive interview with @TheFabFemme giving you a closer look at these HOT ladies and their extravagant personalities!!! Welcome to THE BLACK L blog. (under construction)

1 comment:

  1. Hey my loves. Just wanted to comment and show my support. Rai stay funny, wild, and jazzy. You have truly put moments of laughter in my life. Hope to have more Starbuck days with you. Kellie, keep doing what you're doing. One thing I admire about you is your sincerity. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Ra Ra....there are so many things I've heard about you and I'm glad I was able to be around you for a brief moment in my lifetime because I was able discover that most of the things were true. :) You have an amazing drive and spirit about you. Don't let anyone destroy that. Nakia, you owe me about 3 lunch dates...i guess as long as you owe me I'll never go hungry. :) But on a serious note, you are truly a unique person; from your many tattoos to your thoughts. Your diversity is something rare and special. Don't ever change it. 

    I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck in your individual and collective endeavors. I believe that you will all conquer the concept of greatness and exceed the limits society has put on you. Be safe. Be blessed. Be you.
